The Astounding Technology Of Invisible Hearing Aids
Thanks to today’s technology, hearing aids are shrinking in size and becoming more powerful in functionality. 99% of hearing aid users do not want their devices to be detected by others. It is an issue of sensitivity and personal convenience.
The invisible hearing aid caters to these needs while keeping the quality of the function of the device totally uncompromised.
The perfect solution for those with a mild to moderate hearing impairment, invisible hearing aids are electronic marvels in terms of design and make.
Invisible hearing aids come in a wide range of models that make it convenient for the user to choose as per their budget and usage.
Invisible hearing aid types:
- IIC or Invisible In-Canal hearing aids are the smallest hearing aids that are available. Suited for people with mild and moderate hearing loss, IICs are designed to sit deep inside the ear canal. The drawback? There is simply no room for speakers and processing power.
- Completely In Canal or CIC and In The Canal or ITC are suitable for people who want to have a little more control over their devices.
- For those who do not mind having a small device behind the ears, Receive In Ear or RIE is the best solution. In RIE devices, the receiver is placed in the ear and not in the device.
- BTE or Behind The Ear offers the widest range of devices for hearing loss. BTE devices are cleverly designed to sit behind the ear. Most people prefer BTE devices for their amplification.
Choosing The Right Hearing Aid
Choosing a hearing aid is pretty much like choosing your spectacles. You cannot grab the first one that you come across. There are some points to consider and weigh before you can make the right choice. Hearing aids do not come cheap. If you are going to make a one-time investment, you have to make the right decision. Here are some pointers to help you choose the right hearing aid:
- Analyze your specific type of hearing loss.
- Analyze the environment where you spend most of your time.
- Environments with more noise and excitement call for hearing aids with digital noise reduction.
- Quiet environments require devices that have advanced signal processing to increase the clarity of sounds.
- Always consult an audiologist and get the necessary tests taken.
- Go for a trial period before zeroing in on the right device for you.
- Get the opinion of other users and weigh the pros and cons.
Advantages Of Invisible Hearing Aids
It is also important that we give you a clear picture of the advantages of Invisible hearing aids. What is of utmost importance here is that the hearing aid should suit your lifestyle and serve its purpose instead of you having to change your lifestyle to suit the device.1
Here’s what you can expect from invisible hearing aids:
- BTE hearing aids sit comfortably behind the ear, thus ensuring that the ear is not completely closed off. BTE devices come in various sizes, colours, and options to suit the colour of the skin and hair.
- RIE hearing aids are preferred for their ease of wearing and effectiveness. The device sits inside the ear of the user. In spite of being small, RIE hearing aids give you more clarity of sound.
- IIC hearing aids pick up wind noise and provide an enhanced natural quality of sound.
- CIC hearing aids are highly preferred because the user can control how the device works. They can control the volume and change the in-built environmental programmes.
In-the-ear hearing aids are the types of hearing aids that are preferred by a large number of people for the following qualities they possess:
- They preserve the natural resonant frequency of the ear.
- The positioning of the device helps to retain the innate localization abilities.
- They provide a cosmetic appeal by staying out of sight.
- A thin removal handle allows us to fish out the device when required.
- Wireless technology and Bluetooth streaming is available through accessory devices.
Finally, no matter what hearing aid you choose, always remember that consulting a hearing care professional is your first step to acquiring better hearing.
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