The role of the SSA (social security administration) in developing disabled tools
The social security administration all around the world has always had a stand and support for the research scientist and science and development for increasing the development in medicinal science. The human medical science has advanced in the eye department, providing lights to many who had lost hopes on their vision. They were never behind in developing devices which provide hearing aids to people who missed this vital ability either from birth or from any infection or injury to the auditory nerve which transmits sounds from the external ear to the part of the brain which is responsible for reacting to the sound impulses
Some of the pros and cons of the hearing aids
Hearing aids can be the best gifts to people who want to be back to their healthy lives where they can respond to communication. The success of hearing aid is rare, and only one out of five people will be positively benefited from the application of the hearing aid. It is difficult to install a hearing aid, and it is not as simple as wearing vision glasses. People who have financial limitations can find it either too difficult or impossible to purchase the hearing aid as it demands enormous costs for customization and maintenance. Some people may grow ear infections while others may have problems like either dexterity or excess of ear wax production and wing to such reasons they cannot wear a hearing aid.
The history of the hearing aids
During the early periods of the invention of the hearing aids, people used to wear them on the body, but later, they were developed and optimized for the air conduction, and today, they are available in small forms.
The next and long-running hear model was BTE (Behind the ear), which stuck to the external Pinna and worked through plastic tubes.
How a hearing aid does works?
The prominent and foremost job of the hearing aid is to provide a louder sound that is audible for the people suffering from the disorder or hearing loss. The amplifier inside the hearing aid is responsible for modifying the sounds at high pitch depending on the hearing loss like mild, medial, or severe.
The hearing aids today have developed in many types and have more significant benefits and systems to control noises. The hearing aids work on simple electronic replicable batteries.
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