Hearing aids are devices used by people with hearing impairment to improve hearing. They are electronic devices that are powered using batteries. There are different types of hearing aid batteries commonly in use. Replaceable, button-like batteries are mostly used in the traditional kind of hearing aid devices. Recent models of hearing aid devices make use of rechargeable batteries. The following details on the various types of hearing aid batteries and its features. It serves as a guide to choosing the right type of hearing aid batteries for the best hearing aids available in the market.
Hearing Aid Batteries – Types
Rechargeable batteries: Most of the recent hearing aid models are powered with rechargeable batteries. This type of batteries are built-in, and there is no need to replace it. The hearing aid user can recharge the hearing aid device in the night when it is not in use. This is similar to recharging your mobile on a charging unit. Rechargeable battery hearing aids are available only with limited models in the market. Ease of use and long shelf-life are the significant benefits of using rechargeable hearing aid batteries.
Some of the top manufacturers of rechargeable hearing aids are Widex Fusion2, Oticon Opn S, Ruby and Play, Starkey Livio and ReSound LinNX, Quattro.
Disposable Batteries: This is a traditional type of hearing aid batteries. They are standard, button-sized batteries commonly in use. They are also called zinc-air batteries. Make sure to store disposable batteries at room temperature. It helps to increase its lifetime.
Hearing Aid Batteries – Size And Color Coding
The power of a hearing aid battery mainly depends on the size of the battery. Varied sizes of batteries can be used with hearing aids based on the power requirements. People with severe hearing loss may require larger batteries. The standard hearing aid battery sizes are 10, 312, 13 and 675. Mini RITE and CIC hearing aids are mainly powered by Size 10 hearing aid batteries. Power BTE hearing aids can be used with the size 675 battery.
It is hard to differentiate the batteries based on their size. Thus a standard colour scheme helps to purchase the right size of hearing aid batteries. The hearing aid batteries of sizes 10,312, 13 and 675 are coded with colours yellow, brown, orange and blue.
Hearing Aid Batteries – Lifetime
The lifetime of a disposable battery is very less compared to that of a rechargeable battery. The average lifetime of a standard zinc-air battery is about 5-14 days. Larger hearing aid batteries last for a longer time. The lifetime of the various standard sized hearing aid batteries is listed below.
Size 10 – 3 to 7 days
Size 312 – 3 to 10 days
Size 13 – 6 to 14 days
Size 675 – 9 to 20 days
Proper use of hearing aid devices can help to extend the lifetime of hearing aid batteries.
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